Centre for Migrant and Refugee Health (CMRH)
ABN: 78 214 683 185

Apayi Charitable Organization has partnered with CMRH
The Centre for Migrant and Refugee Health (CMRH) is a non-profit and charity organization established in 2019. It aims to address the mental health challenges experienced by Australian migrants, refugees, and people seeking asylum from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds, with a particular focus on public health.
The centre’s mission and strategies are contemporary and essential in advancing health equity to enhance mental health and wellbeing within the target communities. Our mental healthcare approach is comprehensive, encompassing clinical interventions and practical solutions. We prioritize prevention by promoting mental health to combat stigma and discrimination. Additionally, we proactively address risk factors to improve overall health outcomes and quality of life.
CMRH goes beyond conventional clinical interventions by actively participating in research, policy development, and advocacy. We acknowledge the interdependence between mental health and broader societal concerns by tackling social determinants of health, such as health inequities and inequalities. The CMRH appropriately emphasizes the complex interrelationships of mental health, chronic diseases, and injuries, such as homicide and suicide. Having a more exhaustive grasp of this is essential for delivering comprehensive care since adverse mental health consequences can exacerbate and deteriorate the overall health outcomes of those with chronic diseases.
Our dedication to tackling health inequities and inequalities that affect individuals with poor socioeconomic status, social disparities, and vulnerabilities is aligned with the broader values of social justice. The organization promotes social justice and inclusivity by advocating for vulnerable people.
Seeks a network of collaborative and sustained mental health education, and campaign awareness efforts to improve access to culturally safe, appropriate, and specific mental health and healthcare services for socially isolated, vulnerable, and low socioeconomic carers, parents, families, and young people.